
Ryan Johnson's film Brick is as contemporary low-budget Neo Noir film that shows a group of high school students got mixed up in drugs. The high school scene is rare in a Neo Noir film which is set in LA, USA. because Neo Noir tends to be focused on the adult life.
This film captivates you from the start. The film starts with a flashback of a girl laying in a sewer tunnel, and then cuts to normal day life, with out an explanation. This film is similar to The Big Sleep, because both main characters act as the detectives. One by occupation, one by choice. Both the films easily confuses the audience, but yet we seem to understand them in a way that we are not meant to. These films differ with their endings because in The Big Sleep we still don't know who killed the Chauffeur, and in Brick we know the whole story. and Dan Case is a homosexual.



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