Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, pushes the brains boundaries in wha can be classed as vigorious and complicated storylines.
Nameless Edward Norton is a man in remorse, disappointed with everything. He turns to support groups, all of them, to fuel his need for "rebirth" as he feels heightened for sharing his pain with others, but lying about it. Ultimately, he creates Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), who is everything he wants to be. He'a a rebel, a vagabond without a cause. Norton sees him as his new best friend, when really he is viewing his own Tyler-style life who nobodys eyes. He creates Fight Club, where men are free to fight each other for no reason, and where all are equal. When he comes to terms with this, he fights back against himself, finally shooting himself before his destruction of major bank and credit card companies.
What is a complicated storyline is shown well with interesting cinematography, directing and acting skills, as everything is timed to a tee, especially the scene in the house when Tyler and Maria (Helena Bonham Carter) never be in the same room,but both are talking to Edward.
Its not always easy on the eyes, but Fight Club is one of Finchers bets films. Deosnt beat Se7en though.
Labels: Duncan Dennis, Fight Club