The Third Man, directed by Carol Reed, is a british film noir that plays on the key elements that make a movie a film noir and as a result create stylish camera work mixed with a gripping plot.
The story begins when bumbling american Holly Martins (Joseph Cotten) enters a recently bombed out Vienna to see an old friend (orson Wells) about a job offer, only to find out he was killed, and the facts dont add up. So with the help of his friends wifes and a british soldier, Holly attempts to work out the riddle surronding 'the third man.'
With te sterotypical plot lines of corruption and murder and the stereotypical key characters like the 'femme fatale' This film seems like another run of the mill film noir, however on second glance this film is nothing short of a work of art. All the shots are planned out so perfectly so even the slightest tilt of the camera can deliver a feel for the sate of mind or senario the film and its actors are portraying. The Cast are all superb and convincing, with some very memorable adlibbed parts on orson wells' behalf. And the bouncy zither musc makes every scene stand out
great film.. shame about the advert.
Labels: carol reed, sam shaw, the third man