This is a 2004 movie directed by Shane Meadows and stars Paddy Considine and Gary Stretch this film is about a disaffected soldier (Considine) returns to his hometown to get even with the thugs who brutalized his mentally-challenged brother years ago.
This film is a thriller movie and with an 18 rated Certificate, is not really suitable for some people. Shane Meadows covers several important themes in this movie such as mental instability, drugs and vengeance. This film could be compared to 'Get Carter' (1971) where Jack Carter is seeking vengeance for his family and the death of his brother. these two film both deal with the loss of a loved one but the way that the revenge is played out on the screen is slightly different Dead Man's Shoes is hyped up at the action and Get Carter is slower and more naturalistic. I would say this is because of the main characters in each film, Richard (Dead Man's) is this Psychotic quiet man.
Labels: Adam Arnold, Dead, dead mans shoes, Lloyd Manning, Man's, Review, Shoes