The Edukators-Review

I think this film directed by weingartner in 2004 was an interesting film on 3 german youths who moved furniture around in well off peoples homes, an opposite world from where they come from. i havn't seen a film with a stortyline like the idea behind this and so this makes it individual in my eyes. i liked the way that when they captured the man instead of torturing him in the way you might expect they just took him away with them which i much preferred. This may have been because they had a woman as part of there 'team' and so this may have allowed for less violence as it was something the 2 male characters, Jan and peter, didn't want the female character,jule, to see.

we learn from the two male characters that they both have feelings for jule. she begins the film dating peter but then cheats on him with jan. This also adds a kind of a love triangle to the film, which peter doesn't even notice until the man the have captured points it out. This lov triangle adds another twist to the plot.

In a way i much preferred this to the french new wave films i have been studyingas i think it has a more interesting and faster paced storyline. I think the fact that it is slightly more moderen and in colour also helps

I have seen the english and the german versions of the two different endings of the film. I prefer the german ending of the film as i like the fact that they sail off on a boat and your sort of left wondering what they are going to do next.



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