Michael Radford's 1984 (October 1984), is set in a war struck, totalitarian London and follows the story of Winston Smith (John Hurt – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, V for Vendetta) as he attempts to hide his illegal relationship with a fellow party member from the all seeing, all knowing thought police. This film certainly isn’t for snugly Saturday night viewing as its dark, cold and rather depressing mood leaves you feeling a bit out of sorts. That being said this is a film to give time and thought to as it shows how the apathy of the masses can destroy individuality, privacy and free thought as the hive mind turns to one ideal. 1984 is for you if you like to have a good debate about the film afterwards but as much as I enjoy a good argument about films after watching 1984 I am afraid to say that I had to go watch a cheesy romantic comedy involving Ewan McGregor and dancing to cheer myself up.

By Jennie Devine


  1. afilmaday said...

    1984 did require me to re-watch it for I put it on between two films and felt I didn't give it the justice it deserved. On second viewing, much to ponder and discuss over.  


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