American Beauty is the story of a suburban family who despite appearances aren't normal, the father Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) is a depressed, desperate middle aged man who is basically in the middle of a mid life crisis, and falls in love with his daughters best friend. His family hates him and he decides he's had enough and quits his job, blackmails his boss, starts taking drugs and ends up being killed by the father of the drug dealing next door neighbour.
Directed by Sam Mendes, Story written by Alan Ball.
Annette Bening co-stars as Carolyn Burnham, Lesters wife, and Thora Birch is Jane Burnham (Lesters daughter).
Kevin Spacey is a well known hollywood actor who would have attracted some percent of the audience to the film. He is a good actor which gives the film the extra quality that makes it a good enjoyable classic.
Watched it at home-by myself, film was a DVD.
Labels: American Beauty, Eoin O'Kelly, Sam Mendes