
Layercake, made in 2004, directed by Mathew Vaughn (producer of Mean Machine, Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) tells the story of a successful drug dealer (Daniel Craig) planning his early retirement from the business only for his boss Jimmy Price (Kenneth Cranham) to give him the tasks of finding the missing drug addict daughter of a so called friend (Michael Gambon) and negotiating the sale of millions of pounds worth of grade A ecstasy, que a lot of double crossing and Sienna Miller (no doubt a bit of eye candy for the lads) and we have an enjoyable film.
Having been tempted by the ads and a couple of trailers I bought the dvd watching it along with my two sisters. Having made his mark in recent film Enduring Love, Daniel Craig brought a sophistication to his role, and having watched Casino Royale I can see various elements that lead to him being chosen as the famous 007.
Mathew Vaughn does a good job for his directorial debut and the other big names of the film Kenneth Cranham and Michael Gambon do well in entertaining me as the somewhat senior part of the mafia elite, I have to say that the only downside to the film is Sienna Millers incredibly irritating accent.

Denise Barry



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