Pulp Fiction

Director: Quentin Tarantino
The actors/actresses who starred in the film were Uma Thurman, John Travolta, Samuel L Jackson and Bruce Willis. All of these actors played a big part in the film but helping the audience along with the complicated story however i felt that John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson had the biggest impact just because of the story you follow with these characters.
I watched the film at home on my own. The format it was in was VHS. I found this film very enjoyable even though it was very violent at times with a lot of blood! Although because of the characters played by John and Samuel some of the parts where people were being shot were quite funny just because of the way in which there characters handled the different situation. There side of the story i prefered more compared to the story of Butch(Bruce Willis) just because it wasn't as serious and had more funny moments.



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