'Sweeney Todd' is a recently released film that this year has gained worldwide recognition for its quirky and subtley humourous gothic theme.
I watched the film at the cinema with my sister and really enjoyed despite the neverending gore..
The main character of Sweeney Todd is played by Johnny Depp, and his assisstant to his gruesome activities, Mrs Lovett is played by Helena Bonham carter.
The gothic genre is typical of one of Tim Burton's films. For example, his production of 'The Nightmare before Christmas' and Edward Scissorhands', also starring main character Johnny Depp as the lead. Well known British actor Alan Rickman plays Todd's target for revenge, Judge Turpin. Also making an appearance in the film, is Timothy Spall and Sacha Baron Cohen.
The cast of the film have definatly helped to create postitive attention to the film with American and British actor's, attracting audiences from all over the globe.
In my opinion, the musical element of the film worked wonderfully with the gothic genre. It helped to tone down the murderous behaviour so as not to come on too strong to the audience. It also helped with the comical elements. I also noticed, when watching the film, that the copious amounts of blood throughout looks fake - orangey in colour and thick. This was most probably deliberate, maybe to provoke the question of whether the legend of Sweeney Todd was true or not..
Overall, although the film is aimed at an older audience i thought it was an excellent version of the story.
Labels: Jess Davis, Sweeney Todd, Tim Burton