“Jaws” is a 1975 classic film directed by Steven Spielberg. It has become one of the most off-putting films of all time. The film is based around a massive terrorizing Great White shark that becomes a threat to the waters in a seaside town called Amity.
Three guys, played by Roy Sheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss, attempt to stop the menace. The main character is played by Roy Sheider. He plays a local sheriff who battle with the residents of the town to try and prevent them from visiting the beach. However they are against the idea because it will affect the amount of money they will earn in their shops.
The most enhancing scene in the whole film is that of the Great White attacking the wrecked boat in which the three men belong to. The reason this was the most enhancing scene was because it was one of the few scenes that gave screen time to the ferocious shark. I thought the film didn’t include enough images of the shark to terrify, and considering I am easily scared I found this movie very timid. The storyline was very fluent; however I found that it was very repetitive. An example of this is when the three men try to catch the shark and fail and try again and fail and try again and fail.
The soundtrack made this film, without it the tension would not have been built. The contrast of the peaceful scenery and evil terror of the waters continues to surprise the viewer.
I have watched a similar film called “Open Water” and compared to “Jaws” it holds onto the audience’s attention a lot more. I wouldn’t recommend this film necessarily for its action or suspense but because it is a classic and then at least you will be able to say you have seen it.
Labels: Aliss Hemmings, Jaws