Gangster No. 1 follows the wildly gruesome and disturbing life of a London gangster, played in two parts by Paul Bettany and Malcolm McDowell. The un-named young gangster is recruited into the ruthless gang of Freddie Mays - a well known London crime lord.
As more and more jobs come in, the young gangster becomes deranged and psychotic, and develops a lust for blood. This isn't enough though; the gangster wants Freddie's place as leader and eventually he gets the chance to turn a blind eye on his employer's planned murder. "The King is dead! Long live the king!"
The new school takes charge and from then on, the money comes rolling in. Hundreds of dirty dealings puts the young gangster on top of the world, but was it really worth it?
Gangster No. 1 is an incredibly violent in depth view of a psychotic young mind that experiences the serious side of a gangster's life. I would give this film ***** for the incredible concept of the film and Paul Bettany's performance which stood out and took the film to another level.
By Rupert Andrews.
Labels: gangster number 1, Rupert Andrews