Directed by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez and guest director Quentin Tarateno
This film is quite good with the use of black and white footage and bold blocks of colour being shown, which enhances and gives the film a very unique feel to it. The acting with in the film is very exaggerated, with an over voice going through the film telling you what the characters are thinking and what they could do next. There is a lot of Tarateno styled blood and killing action that is quite hard to understand why they are killing people in this way. There is 3 main story lines in the film and all of them are centered around love stories that turn out horribly wrong but get sorted by lots of killing and brutal beatings. The first watch is hard to get into the film and you don't really understand some of the things that are going on through the film, but it you saw it a second time it may seem much more understandable and the story lines ill make more sense.
Nicola Taylor
Labels: Nicola Taylor, Sin City