Munich tells the story of the black september and the munich games in 1972. A group of palestians takes a group of israeli athletes hostage and murders them. The israeli leader gives a group of 5 men to track down all the members of black september and kill them.
The film opens with quite an interesting sequence with the group of palestines breaking into the olympic compound and kidnapping the athletes. this is quite action packed and is very interesting to watch. but after this it all goes downhill. the film begins to jump from location to location and character to character and it is very unclear as to what is actually going on. the only character you get actually feel involved with is the main character, and this is only because his character has a sub-plot, in which his wife is having a child.
The camera work is very interesting, as it is directed by Steven Spielberg and the shots are very interesting. i wish i could tell you more but i lost all interest in it and ended up falling asleep before the film actually managed to get anywhere really interesting.
i think this film would be considered very good by someone who had previous interest in this incident but i myself found it very dull and cant understand how it produced so much buzz
Labels: james heath, munich, steven spielberg
Interesting to see that you did not enjoy the film. It is certainly different to Spielberg's more action packed films.