Death proof - Tarantino

Deathproof, after Quentin Tarantino had mass effect with his modern kung fu flick of Kill Bill he turned back his sights to 70's car chasing thrill ride with a memorable performance from Kurt Russell. With fast paced Death race of lap dancing girls with a mean vengeance.

Deathproof is based around a smaller town based on Stuntman Mikes desire for women and his death proof fast car mustang muscle car, the plot starts as Mike becomes obsessed with the local girls, but after picking the wrong group of girls to play games with Mike soon wishes he hadn't crossed with the psychotic lap dances

with thrill rides of a 15 minute car chase and has its thrilling parts and gory moments with a slow pace but makes you carry on watching, while it has its casual quotes from pulp fiction as well as a strong performance from Tarantino himself




© 2007 LongRoadFilm