"O Brother, Where Art Thou?", a spin on Homer's tale of the Odyssey, is full of humour and wit. The film, made by the Coen brothers ('No Country for Old Men' ), gives a great reinterpretation of Homer's Odyssey, setting it in the Southern States of North America during the Mississippi State Elections during the depression. George Clooney gives a great performance as the central character Everett McGill (Odysseus in the Odyssey), one of three weird and eccentric characters that escape from a chain gang and set off home... Clooney plays up the character but does not overdo it. Released in 2000, the film has amazing music and cinematic shots, and lots of humour, which hold the viewer's attention for the whole film. Nominated for two Oscars, it is a thoroughly satisfying but subtle film for all the family.
Labels: Coen Brothers, O Brother Where Art Thou, Odyssey, Tim Pearson