The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight, director Christopher Nolan's absolute stunner of a follow-up to Batman Begins, is set out as a comic book movie. Containing everything you could ever want a film like this to include, and more. But Nolan doesn’t stop there as there's something new and amazing at work in this artfully imagined universe. Striking out from his Batman origin story, Nolan cuts through to a deeper dimension. The Dark Knight creates a place where good and evil are expected to fight to the death but instead decide to shock viewers with this little twist. "I don't want to kill you," psycho Joker tells Batman. "You complete me."
The trouble is that Batman, a.k.a. Bruce Wayne, has realised he can’t be Gothams white knight and have the public see him as a vigilante. He'll leave the hero stuff to district attorney Harvey Dent and stop the DA from moving in on Rachel Dawes, the lady love who is Batman's only hope for a normal life.
The Dark Knight has put Gotham in a new light with this idea of civilians trying to take on the role of batman and bad guys that enjoy crime starting more than ever. Take the Joker, who treats an amazingly well thought out bank robbery like a strategy game with henchmen in Joker masks and some deaths that you’ll never see coming.
The one thing that I found annoying while watching dark knight was that some parts are quite predictable. But that doesn’t stop The Dark Knight being one of the best movies I’ve seen this year, mostly because of Heath Ledgers amazing performance as the joker. He was absolutely insane and even got the facial expressions down which made his overall level of insanity rise.
Over all I would absolutely recommend going to see The Dark Knight. Its an experience that most people can enjoy time and time again.



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