Hotel Rwanda, directed by Terry George depicts the catastrophic events that occured during the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, caused by the conflict between two tribes; the Tsootsies and the Hutus.
The film is told through the eyes of a hotel manager (Don Cheadle) a courages character who strives to protect his family and everyday people around him, endangering his own life throughout. The superb performances from Don Cheadle and Sophie Okonedo only better the film and it's realism during the more moving scenes.
I really enjoyed the film and would highly recommend it, especially to anyone who enjoys films that portray actual events that have occured (for example 'Last King of Scotland.' Although the film wasn't action based, it was still fast paced and enjoyable to watch; althought at points barely endurable because of the sheer atrociousness of the content.
Labels: Hotel Rwanda