Sweet sixteen is a Scottish film showing life for young people in Glasgow. Its main character, a 15 year old boy is growing up on a council estate and trying to get out of the estate buy selling drugs to buy a caravan for him and his mum when she gets out of prison, the film is about him getting in with gangsters to make money so that he can look after himself and his mum but at the end he ends up stabbing his dad, beating up his sister, killing his best friend and finding out that his mum had been laughing at him for trying to help her the whole time and so ends on the morning of his sixteenth birthday, with the police after him and walking towards the sea, covered in blood and realising he had nothing now and i presume that he is going to commit suicide. its a heavy film and I recommend it big timmmmmmmee.
Labels: Jack Nicol, Ken Loach, Sweet Sixteen