Recently I watched the film Cloverfield. A film about a monster attack on the city of New York. Not the most original of cities since many other films have used the ''monster attacking New York'' story line, but it seems to work pretty well anyway. One of the things that made it work is the fact that the film was shot differently than most films. It was shot from the angle of a character stuck in the situation of the plot. I liked this idea and it seemed to give the film great originality but only since not many other films shoot it like that, if many films had before it then nothing would really make this film standout and it would just be another monster flick.
The acting for this film wasn't incredible but there wasn't many floors in it either. The characters did display a lot of terror toward the situation they are in, but sometimes they seem to be calmer even with New York falling down around them. Whether this was the actors not portraying enough fear or it was written in the script that at some points they were meant to forget about the monster, I was unsure. All I know is that if there's a giant monster destroying the city, I wouldn't stop and be as calm as these so called 'normal people' were.
The city of New York was being destroyed by a huge monster. For this to be achieved on screen there was a lot of CGI used for buildings to fall down and there to be explosions. The use of CGI in this film was very well done. I found that none of it looked very bad at all through the film and the CGI did help to create the feeling that the city really was being destroyed, and in the cinema it was an even greater effect.
Overall this film was quite enjoyable if you just wanted a good destruction film, the plot is nothing special. The same old ''man trying to save woman before the monster kills her plot''. But if you wanted to know what it would feel like to be in a monster attacked city Cloverfield is quite a good one to go to. Worth a watch I believe.
Labels: Cloverfield, Nathan Ives